May 1, 2012

i'm a calendar boy!

We  did it!! Because of all of my wonderful friends and mom’s friends I’m going to be in the Furever Rescued calendar next year!!  That’s right, little ‘o me in a calendar!!  Now how to pose for my photo…how to pose.  Think I’ll be wearing my super foot for the photo.  Mom promises to keep everyone updated as to when the calendar comes out!!

I have gotten really really fast with my new super foot.  Mom and dad were laughing last night as I was running through the house chasing after Steeler, we have lots of fun together. Last week mom even brought me to work and I wore my leg there.  It was fun, they ate lots of good stuff all day and I got to chew my bones in peace and quiet!

 On Saturday mom and dad took me to the Phoenix Pet Expo were I got to meet a superstar!!  Shorty from Pit Boss was there and he really liked me!

April 20, 2012

come vote for me!

Mom entered me in a contest and all i need from you is your VOTE.  Please just go to my STORY HERE and hit the big VOTE button!!  You can vote once every 24 hours for me.  - woof!!

April 2, 2012

update - woof!

Things have been busy, busy lately but I’m still here doing lots of fun puppy things!  A couple of weekends ago mom and dad drove me to Tucson to meet up with Kate and my new prosthetic leg.  I had been awake the whole drive and was pretty tired when we tested out the leg, but I did really well with it.  Dad had treats for me and every time I used the leg and ran over to dad I got one!  They were really tasty!  Kate took video of me using my leg to send over to OrthoPets so they could see how I was using it. 

The first week with the leg and I was doing okay, sometimes it would fall off.  One time it fell off and Steeler stole it from me and mom had to get it back!  She tells me that it’s NOT a chew toy…bummer.

On Saturday Kate came by the house to pick up my leg to send back to OrthoPets for some adjustments.  They want to change the bottom of the foot and do something to help it stay on better.  Can’t wait to get it back!!

March 12, 2012


Mom picked me up from the vet Friday after work.  She said my neuter when very well, easy for her to say.  Not being like a normal four legged dog I was in a lot of pain hopping around Friday night.  At bed time I just couldn’t sleep and kept mom up most of the night with my crying.  Saturday though, I was up feeling great!  I spent the day playing outside and took some nice long naps.  Mom said I was a trouble maker that night when I wouldn’t take my pain medicine.  She gave it to me wrapped up in yummy peanut butter, which I quickly licked off and spit the pill out.  Much to mom’s surprise my fur-sister Daphne quickly ate my pill!!  Mom gave me another pill and again I spit it out.  This time mom was much faster and gave it to me a third time.  She kept my mouth shut until I ate the pill and the peanut butter.  Peanut butter taste much better without medicine in it, just saying.

Mom says that all little dogs (and cats, no idea what that is) should be spayed and neutered.  This is what I think -

Mom emailed our OrthoPet’s Rep Kate to see how I did on Friday.  I was asleep during it all so I really don’t remember much.
Kate said -
He did very well!  The x-rays show some of his carpal bones floating around and a sharp point on the ulna, but he's built up a very nice pad on the tip of the limb.  I'll know more next week when the experts take a closer look at the cast on the x-rays.  Stay tuned.

Mom talked to the vet a little bit and sounds like the bone might be an issue and they might have to remove some.  I sure hope not, mom would worry way too much.

March 9, 2012

stage 1

Today is a big day for me.  Mom took me to the vet this morning saying something about, “snip-snip” Doesn’t sound good does it??  On the ride over she gave me a special chew toy, again thinking this isn’t good.  Anyways, once at the vet they weighed me and I’m up to a whole 9.5 pounds!!  Can you believe just five months ago I was only 2 pounds?!  The vet is so nice and likes to hold me when I’m there.  She said I had a puppy tooth they needed to pull today that hasn’t fallen out.  You would think with all of the chewing I like to do it would have. 

Mom had to leave me, but came back later to meet Kate our rep from OrthoPets.  While I’m asleep Kate is taking x-rays of my nub and then making a casting of it for my new prosthetic leg.  She said we’ll have a test model in hopefully TWO weeks!!  Mom and I are so excited.  Kate is hoping that I adapt quickly to it, says having so many brothers and sisters might make it easier for me to forget it’s on and use it.  Can’t wait for mom to pick me back up today.  I think I just want to go home and snuggle with her the rest of the night.  I am sure I’ll be back up tomorrow like a crazy pup.

March 1, 2012

we did it!

Yesterday was the best Leap Day ever…okay, it was my first Leap Day ever BUT I made my goal of raising $1800 for my prosthetic leg!!  Mom was doing lots of crying, but happy crying she said.  Yesterday morning mom was starting to stress out over the fact that they wanted to start everything NEXT Friday and how was she going to make all of this happen for me, she was unsure.  Then later she goes to my blog and see’s 100% of my goal was met?!?  I guess it threw her off for a few minutes, and then everyone in her office was crying and cheering!!  She called dad up to give him the great news and I even gave dad one of my “woofs” when he told me!  What a happy day.  My mom wishes she could call up my breeder and say, “yea, he was garbage…he has more friends than you’ll ever have!”   I was so happy last night when I curled into bed next to mom, tummy up and my soon to be four legs stretched out in the air.  I had sweet dreams of running even faster, keeping up with my fur brothers & sisters when outback in the rock and maybe knocking Mazie upside the head when she growls at me for trying to chew on her ears.  No, I’ll be nice I promise!

My first big day comes next Friday.  Mom says something about “snip-snip” not sure what she means by that, but I’m thinking I might not like it.  While I’m a sleep and dreaming Kate who is the rep for OrthoPets will come in and make a cast mold of my nub and then take some x-rays to see my bones inside.  After a couple of weeks I’ll have my first test prosthetic!!  That will help them see what kind of adjustments might need to be made for my permanent leg.  I am so excited to start my new adventure!

Please don’t think that’s the end of my blog or Facebook page!  Mom plans to help me keep updating along the way of our journey.  We could have more expenses to come, so we plan on keeping my store open and we’ll have some other fun things going on.  Any money that we don’t use we hope to donate to other dogs that need prosthetics like me.

February 28, 2012

sharing time is caring time - woof!

It’s time to make some noise people! Mom said it would be really great if you could help and share my blog with your Facebook friends.  Please just share this and get the word out about my prosthetic leg fundraising effort!!  There are a couple of ways people can help.
1. Donate to my fund directly here on my blog.
2. Purchase custom shirts made just for ME on my store.

What’s coming up next…we have some silent auction items coming soon and some homemade dog treat bake sales next month!

I may only be 7 lbs. but I know that we couldn’t do all of this without you.  Thank you everyone for your support and love.